Sunday, August 7, 2011

Just a Little Further Down The Road

Back when I was a little bit younger, I had a lot of traction with Jr. High an Sr. High students, and we worked out what the Bible says and how it applies to our lives.  My prayer was that one day I would have someone alongside me, as a parent, helping my kids work out the Scriptures and apply them to their lives.  You know, it's always helpful to have other voices of Truth to re-enforce the lessons we are trying to teach.

Over the past few years, I've started to get a glimpse of that prayer being answered.  Yearly, we journey to Columbus, TX for Pine Cove Family Camp, and over the past couple of years we've invited C3 to come to our church for our summer Children's Camp.  Here are the links: and

What those camps hold in common and what makes them GREAT is the college staff that comes with them.  They are awesome young men and women who are there to pour into our kids.  Even though they only spend a week with them, they make a huge impact.  They love the Lord, and they desire for our kids to know Him better.  Plus, our kids think they are super cool, so that certainly helps.

As an adult, I've had a few older guys build into me, making me a better man.  I'm deeply indebted to them.  They are just a little further down the road than me, and they have so much wisdom to offer!  I think we are all well served to have people who have seen a little more life speak into our own.  And the greatest gift we can give them is to do the same by investing in younger generations.

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