I feel this more acutely now, as I realize that I've reached the age my dad developed colon cancer that ended his life. The cancer started when he was 38, diagnosed when he was 40, and killed him at 42. The picture to the right of this is the last picture I have of him. There I am, my life in front of me. There he is, less than 2 months left to go.
There are no guarantees. Therefore, all efforts of turning general time into kairos seems right to me.
I don't think about this nearly enough. Most of my time is spent, outside of studying, working, and my side job, thinking about all the things I should be doing; whether it be more studying or more working, or more often cleaning up the clutter of my mental state.
ReplyDeleteI think more times than not I appreciate things after they've passed. The deep routed, primary reason for this, I think, is that I'm hardly living in any one moment. I'm all over the place like so many other people I talk to; and like me, many don't even realize it.
I blame TV... not really; I blame myself, for watching it. I give into impulsive desires more than necessity. Though logically, I know the latter is all that matters. Hmmm.
Kairos. I think I'm going to get that tattooed on the eye side of my lids.