Friday, February 19, 2010

The Spiritual Discipline of Yard Work

Having a large annoying gum ball tree in the front yard and other more pleasant trees around the house, I got way behind in getting the yard cleaned up. So, yesterday, I spent 4+ hours getting it done. The kids helped me for two of those hours, and it was a good time for all of us...really. They did great...we worked together...accomplished a lot.

The last two hours was just me. Undistracted, all other sounds muffled by the engine of the lawn mower, I finished the job. The best part of it all was the solitude and reflection that comes with standing behind a lawn mower. Sure, this was just a couple of hours, but I needed it more than I realized. It energized me.

Coming off a crazy few days dealing with a lot of "noise", the yard work cleared my head. Since then, I feel more "present" with the people I am around. A while back I heard someone say, "You can't truly be with other people if you can't be by yourself." There's truth in that. It's in being by yourself that we realize we are really never alone. But, that's a whole other topic.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Children's Ministry

It's been a while since I have been able to write anything. It's just been one of those seasons where there is little margin to get to any sort of reflection. However, along the way, over the past few weeks, I have had great moments of increased thanksgiving.

My decreased "margin" and increased thanksgiving come by way of me standing in the gap of our children's ministry. Our children's minister resigned, and we were fortunate enough to find a great person to continue the work. However, there is that gap of a few weeks where someone has to take point, and that has been me.

Children's ministry is so heavy with administrative tasks and details. Visions of supply closets keep me up at night. However, teaching kids God's Word, talking to parents about real issues of life, high-fiving fifth graders, and feeling 3 year olds hug my shins are things that make it all worth it.

Children's ministers have great jobs! While I no longer will be "on point", I am going to look hard for ways to stay involved. The work is hard, but the rewards are awesome.