Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Hope of Glory

Due to my dad's colon cancer, I now get to get what I affectionately call, "the camera" every few years. I had it done yesterday. The day before such a procedure is a horrible experience, but the day of the procedure is pretty good. I never knew it happened and recovering from a large dose of anesthesia has it's perks. The doc found a couple of things to biopsy, and I get to start taking some medicine for some hernia. Nothing big.

Karoline also found out that she has to start wearing glasses. She's
good with it. She drew a picture of herself in glasses, and she's looking forward to picking out some "cool" ones.

One day, we won't deal with breaking down, imperfect bodies. All will be new, perfect and glorious. That's partly what Paul means when he writes about the hope of glory (Col 1:27).

THIS day is always easier when we don't lose sight of THAT day.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

They'd Be Sorry

Here's what Karoline, my 9 year old, has just gone through in the last couple of weeks:

Falling off a chair and almost breaking her elbow followed by a...

Crazy spider bite, which caused her arm to swell followed by...

Allergic reaction to the spider bite generated antibiotics followed by...

Down for 4 days with flu-like symptoms.

At one point during all of that she said, "I wish earth was already like heaven so we wouldn't have to have sickness. I bet if Adam and Eve could still see what was going on, they'd be sorry for what they did to all of us."

I thinks she's right.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bayou Student Rally - 09.06.09

Being in a crowded worship center with so many students freely worshipping made me miss being a student pastor. The all night bowling and other stuff that goes along with it all makes me glad I'm not. It's great to simply trust our student pastor, Mark Cole, to run it all. I'm thankful he's on our team.